Doing everything for the two of you!
A wife and mothers job is never through.
Picking up the toys here,
putting your shoes there.
Do you really think this is fare?
Feeling of being you personal slave.
Feeling needed to watch our child,
or you need a good lay!
Do you think this is the way it should stay?
Even when I had a job too,
did you once lift a finger
like you said you would do?
Let me think on that one....
well no it never got done!
Screaming at the top of my head,
things that need to be said!
I open my mouth to tell you,
but for some reason they never pass through.
Never once have I got a thank you,
not even a 'Honey what did you do? '
You don't even notice all the things that I do!
And now I can see you really don't want too!
I don't know how I should feel.
And when I think about it I can't still.
If you would take a good look in my eyes
you would see how I really feel inside!
Even though the words are quite small
this is how I feel after all.
Not being Respected and feeling Neglected!
Now you know how I really feel,
but this still wont help me in my ordeal.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem is not lie true life...