No One Can Help Poem by King Happy

King Happy

King Happy

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King Happy
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No One Can Help

Rating: 5.0

I want to tell them
with open letters
deploying parachutes

I want to tell them
as they hold hands
walking nervous
through the park

Never be ashamed.

I want to tell them
that their fear
has the best of them,
and maybe ours has
it too.

I want to tell them
when the moon
wakes up
and the sun lies

You can't help
but love
the ones
you love.

Sunday, July 19, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: homophobia
Chinedu Dike 23 January 2020

Really a poignant bit of verse, well conceived and nicely penned with conviction. An insightful work of art. Thanks for sharing, King.

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Sahra Hussein 05 December 2015

love is really nice and beautiful. You can't help but love the ones you love. That is true there no other thing you can do but to love the one you love It really great words thank you for sharing.

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Roseann Shawiak 03 August 2015

Love is mysterious, intriguing, beautiful - 'you cannot help but love the ones you love'. Wonderful and heartfelt poem, I love it. Thank you for sharing. RoseAnn

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Allotey Abossey 19 July 2015

Love is beautiful and irresistible.. You can't help but love. Good work

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Douglas Scotney 19 July 2015

Someone once said about art, that 'it made him pass wind; that's art though'. You say, 'You can't help but love the ones you love'. Is that love though?

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King Happy

King Happy

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King Happy
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