No Cold Feelings Poem by Ernestine Northover

Ernestine Northover

Ernestine Northover

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Ernestine Northover
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No Cold Feelings

Rating: 5.0

Look to the fields and fill the eyes
with nature's perfect feast,
Meadows full of a wild array
of treasures unreleased.

Clusters of daisies, broom and sage
displaying lovely hues,
Violets, thrift and lady smock,
enhancing splendid views.

Precious creations of natural beauty
in our landscapes lie,
These variations our vision explores,
and new marvels we espy.

The air, the space and the freedom,
are found in these plush leas,
No cold feelings of confinement,
for they're only there to please.

A place for plants to mingle
and grow at their own pace,
Lifting their heads to greet the sun,
its warmth to thus embrace.

To spend an afternoon or two
in a verdant mead, you'd see,
Diverse flowers in their multi colours.
Such a treat for the honeybee.

© Ernestine Northover

JoAnn McGrath 21 April 2007

Utopia at last....... : O) how beautiful your words take me there

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Andrew Blakemore 20 November 2008

A real treasure and a heart-warming read on a cold winter's evening. Love, Andrew x

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Scarlett Treat 21 April 2007

Ah, to live the life of the honeybee - - drifting from flower to flower, inhaling the heady scent...carrying pollen, making me sneeze! To live in the meadow...AHchoo! must be wonderful. Loved the peaceful springtime, full of life feeling of this poem.

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Ah, the pace and flow of this piece matches its life-affirming, embracing content... a gorgeous write E. t x

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Danny Reynolds 21 April 2007

Just how it feels out there at the moment, Ernestine. Danny

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Duncan Wyllie 21 April 2007

Buzzing with vibrant colours and sutle undertones of a welcoming feel Beautifully expressed Ernestine Love duncan X

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Ernestine Northover

Ernestine Northover

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Ernestine Northover
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