New Love Poem by dave lessard

dave lessard

dave lessard

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dave lessard
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New Love

Rating: 5.0

Let the old love dormant lie
in the fields of sad regret;
let the heart in silence cry
of the time, when first we met.

Love deceased is love forgotten
buried with the moments gone;
like other things, all of a sudden
it's neither right or neither wrong.

When love dies, it dies forever
there's no resurrection there;
you can't resuscitate endeavor
it's vanished in thin air.

Many tears have drowned the cheek
many smiles are lost in pain;
losing now,what first we seek
love's a prize and love's a bane.

Take deep breaths and go on living
more love's there for you to find;
perhaps a little more forgiving
perhaps a love that is more kind.

Thursday, July 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Maria Mitea 27 August 2022

Excellent Work, Dave! The emotions are transmitted to the reader!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 August 2022

A heart moving poem, when love is no more, excellently worded and the pain is felt.5 Stars TOP Score, dear Dave.

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Ruta Mohapatra 27 July 2018

Liked your poem! 'let the heart in silence cry'........Well expressed!

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Dave Lessard 27 July 2018

Thanks Ruta

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Dave Lessard 27 July 2018

Thanks Ruta.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 27 July 2018

Dave, such a well crafted poem👍👍👍

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dave lessard

dave lessard

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dave lessard
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