Nature Sighed Poem by Nana S. ACHAMPONG

Nature Sighed

[Cairo, Egypt 1997]

as I sat here
playing melodies on my mind
in the silent morning glare,
I witnessed the beginning and
End of a life.

it started prematurely
at dawn’s first crow,
convulsed, steadied, blossomed
and died
without strife
at the chimes of midnight.
no tear was shed.

just as it did then
I felt it hatch and explode,
it was glowing,
this mass which matured
and bronzed yesterday.
it hovered fleetingly
and sank into nothingness
now it sprouts on the fertile horizon
blooming with fresh unfounded hopes
and empty dreams
for gullible humans to sample.

accompanied as always
by chirping birds and featherless clouds,
life’s promises
are stolen by the fluttering wings
of mortal man’s imagination,
hidden in the dank recesses of freedom
and buried by the possibilities and opportunities
that existence offers.

by the stroke of a pregnant midnight,
wingless dissipating clouds were
huddling together in the cave of space
melding into the spurious mixture
that makes the firmament,
which, in turn, would husband
the sunrise of tomorrow’s dawn.

as I sat there
contemplating the mysteries of my answers
whirling before me
with sanctified melodies springing
throughout my ploughed mind
nature sighed...
and the sun
was DEAD.

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