Mystified Presence Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

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Dr. Antony Theodore
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Mystified Presence

Rating: 5.0

I walked down to the rivulet
near the wild flowers
in our little village.

Sat under the flower tree
on this evening in the mild sun rays
of the setting sun.

Here we kissed for the first time.

You are not here now.
But I feel your mystified presence.

This presence is more than real
I feel your lips on my lips.
Your love spreading down
my whole being.

It is more than the real
You are here in ethereal
mystified loving presence.

I feel divine at this moment.

Mystified Presence
Friday, September 25, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: mystical
Kumarmani Mahakul 03 November 2018

It is more than the real You are here in ethereal mystified loving presence. I feel divine at this moment.......nice poetic expression. It is a beautiful poem on true love and mystified presence. Thanks for sharing.10

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Roseann Shawiak 05 February 2016

Beautifully mystifying presence of love within your poem, Tony! The essence of our lives is, I believe love and when given to another even after they're no longer here we are able to feel it through Divine love forever. Totally love this spiritually inspiring poem of love.10+++++++ Thank you for sharing. RoseAnn

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Liza Sudina 26 September 2015

Very uplifting! it shows true love and opens hope for eternal and real feeling of presence of whom you dream about!

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Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

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Dr. Antony Theodore
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