My Patio Poem by Daniel Cook

Daniel Cook

Daniel Cook

San Diego California
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Daniel Cook
San Diego California
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My Patio

Rating: 0.5

Morning is awesome
The birds’ songs fill my ears
I see the new blossoms
The drone of cars on the bust street
Some go fast,
That one was slow.
A motorcycle.
All noise gathers on my patio
Flooding it throughout the morn
An alarm clock in a neighbor’s house
The screech of a hawk as it catches a mouse
A distant sound of the morning news
The alarm turns of as my neighbor hits SNOOZE
A whistle every now and then
From the safety patrol at Los Pen
Later that day, the noise dies down.
A car here and there but no ones around
Finally a bell from the school
The faint cries of “PICK ME! ”
And “No, he’s not cool”
Then one more bell, after an hour or so
There back in class and I still have no where to go
A few more turns of the minute hand go by and school finally ends
And the sound begins to fly
Honking horns and screaming kids
They laugh as they pass
Not knowing I love
And again this patio is flooded

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Daniel Cook

Daniel Cook

San Diego California
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Daniel Cook
San Diego California
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