My Patience Poem by Deependra Kumar Jha

Deependra Kumar Jha

Deependra Kumar Jha

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Deependra Kumar Jha
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My Patience

Rating: 5.0

Last night, I attended a funeral
It was death of my patience

It got 'infected' long time back,
I can't remember exactly when
May be, when the reform process,
got a set-back,
& nation was put to shame

From poll-tricks to politics,
the leaders kept on changing loyalty
'Opportunism' is on agenda,
national pride is not on priority

It's said that history repeats itself,
it seems, we are repeating the history
With un-natural collisions & dirty politics on,
leaders' interest is no longer a mystery

My patience could not take it anymore,
it was on bed rest & facing a tough fight
With overdose of conspiracy, betrayal & compromise,
It finally died last night

(A tribute to the prevailing political situation in NEPAL)

Ridge Cahill 18 February 2009

'From poll-tricks to politics' - is a great line. Keep on speaking out my friend, 'tis revolutionaries such as you who change the world! !

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Kesav Easwaran 06 January 2009

patience is the patient here...when patience dies anger takes what are you going to do with your anger, Deepen? nothing...well, we could only get angry and annoyed by seeing the dirty tricks politicians play constantly...a good write... will look better off if those insertion commas are removed...10

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Ujwal Bastakoti 16 December 2008

great work dude! keep it up...........

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Deependra Kumar Jha

Deependra Kumar Jha

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Deependra Kumar Jha
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