My Mother, My God Poem by Nidhi Jha

Nidhi Jha

Nidhi Jha

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Nidhi Jha
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My Mother, My God

While saints meditated and atheist denied,
On Earth it was that Him I found,
He was gentle and He was soft,
He was in the form of the lady I love the most.

Years ago when we met,
Perhaps there was a tear in Her beautiful eyes,
Perhaps a faint smile on Her lips,
Or perhaps both witnessing our meet.

When I close my eyes and pages are turned,
I find the soft fingers wiping my tears.
I find the lips smiling on my victory.
I find the eyes crying on my pains.

When pages are turned,
I find a life lived for someone else.
I find a breath taken for someone else.
I find a heaven my Mother made for me.

I was there protected, warm in Her lap,
While She had all the bruises.
I was there being proud on my new dress,
While She counted what she saved.

I was there taking the credit of my victories,
She was there working hard for me.
I was there for myself.
She was there for Her daughter.

Years are rolling by,
And I love when we sit together and laugh,
I love when she provides me Her shoulder to cry on,
I love when I am able to make Her smile.

People proclaimed God is there.
Yes He is.
For me He is in the form of Her,
Whom I proudly call my dear Mother.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: mother
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Nidhi Jha

Nidhi Jha

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Nidhi Jha
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