If I had luck with a guitar
I would pluck you a gentle tune
If I had been blessed with a soothing voice
I would play you the sweetest melody
I would carve you an effigy of love
If my hands were humbled with the skill-man-ship of a sculptor
I would your statue place at the centre of my town
With the sweetest caption known to the statue race on it
I would with the brightest colours, to reflect your charming smile,
Paint a portrait of your beautiful face
If the gods had favoured me with a painter’s talent
I would hang your Mona-Lisa like portrait in all the museums in the world
I would dare the fires of Mordor
Just to mold you the most glistening pieces of jewelry
The purest of a golden ring with the biggest diamond
A Hollywood girl would forever dream of I would make you
Or I would bring you the freshest roses
The smelliest of their kind
If only I had enough to have my own orchard
I would grow you pink and red roses in my back yard
I would stuck you a pile of riches in your pillow case
Then I would surprise you to open it when you wake
That would be if I had a good fortune
To spoil my honey dew with abundant life
But I am a frog with a guitar
My hands are too weak for a sculptor
A blind man would outshine me with paint and brush
The fires of Mordor, ho! I wish the Hollywood supermodels would envy your golden ring
But I would never muster enough bravely to dare the ever blazing flames
I would indeed collect the sweetest pink and red roses
But I lack even my own daily bread
That goes even for the fortune I wish I would surprise and spoil you with
I however have muse’s abundant gifts in my quill
Thus with it I scribble you this poem
To soothe you my honey
To pluck you that tune from my virtual guitar
To carve you the effigy of love
And paint you the Mona Lisa of your own
To endow me with the courage to dare the furnaces of Mordor
And bask in the fountains full of rose’s red and pink
For in my virtual world I have all the riches to spoil you with
Thus with muse’s gift I with this quill
Scroll you this piece my morning dew
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem