My Dove Poem by Layla Stone

My Dove

You glided into my life
As gentle as a dove
You pecked softly at my soul
And together we flew into the sky
Past the sun and moon
And past the clouds and stars
Together we flew into love

Oh, how much I loved you
Too much in the end
I feared you would fly off
Off into the sky and forget me
So, I caught you with tender hands
And locked you in my heart
I threw the key away into the dust
There there, love, you are safe with me

But you, my dove, missed the freedom
You missed the wind through you feathers
The world beneath your wings
Your eyes grew dull, your feathers rough
And you gazed out wistfully
Through the bars of my heart
I knew I was hurting you
And it hurt me too, to know that truth

So, down on hands and knees I went
Searching through the dust and dirt
Until I found the key to my heart
And I painfully unlocked the door

You woke from you depressed trance
When you heard the small, soft click
You blinked your eyes in the light of my love
Rustling your feathers in surprise
And out my heart you flew

You flew off into the sky
Past the sun and moon
And past the clouds and stars
You called me to you
Singing your sweet song

But no, my dove, I can't fly with you
My wings are clipped and my heart broken
This flight will be yours alone
But one day glide back to me
So we might fly into love once more

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