My Beloved Wife, ‘ A ' ….[ My Super-Serious Challenge-Write; & It Must Rhyme! ; Not Short; Definitions Supplied]] Poem by Bri Edwards

My Beloved Wife, ‘ A ' ….[ My Super-Serious Challenge-Write; & It Must Rhyme! ; Not Short; Definitions Supplied]]

Rating: 5.0

'WHY' …she asks, 'do we together now live? '
[[ My wife is/(was?) thinking of ‘leaving me'; IT is TRUE! ]]
To this, her question, what answer shall I now give?
It must be honest and believable ….when I am through.

I say now: ' Wife, dear ‘A', we've been married ten years,
and I've never stopped loving you, for even a moment, ….
though I'VE made you angry and ‘brought YOU to tears'!
Without meaning to, marital-unrest, ..I at times foment! '

'We live together because we made a commitment & …
…. despite ‘ups-and-downs', I'm your husband by choice.
You feel you can't go on, but your love's not a bit rent.
IT'S your depression, brought on at times by my VOICE, ….when I raise it to high levels when I get SO annoyed.
I'm sorry for its effect on you; I just can't seem to avoid …
IT! ! '

'We both say we COULD live alone; I'd rather NOT part,
and, though it may be tiny, YOU ‘own' 99% of my heart.
When you're on the PC, studying, or in kitchen, cooking,
I find ‘things to do'; it's NOT ‘to avoid you' I'm looking.
Sometimes I'm reading a book or doing poetry writing,
or caring for ‘your garden'; I DO find outdoors inviting.'

'But it's NOT to avoid you, and you often don't miss me.…
which is OK.Being apart a while ain't bad.Now KISS me,
‘cause I'm ‘working my fingers to the bone' composing ….
this poem for you; I pray you won't be supposing.…
…that I'm not enjoying my brain-taxing task; it's actually ‘FUN'!
And later we can walk in Redwoods; they'll hide the sun.'

I don't think in terms of ‘Fun' or ‘Happy' (much) , it's true,
but for a decade, and now, I'm pleased sharing life with.…..YOU!
I'm also quite content knowing most days you'll be near,
& when you're away I look forward to your return, Dear.'

'I'm not the first (of us) to say: ‘Let's fly Here or There.'
But mostly I've gone along, and some ‘fun' we do share,
whether it's watching bats fly from cave near a Thai park,
walking a trail by the ocean on my birthday ‘for a lark', ..'

'..watching birds at our feeders eating sunflower seeds,
or some other activity which at that time fills our needs.

I still love you and plan to, Dear, for the rest of my life.
I wish to share the good and bad.You ARE my ‘A' wife! '

(July ….25th ….2018)

Some Definitions ….[ thanks, 'Mr. PC' & 'Mrs. Google'! ]
(some of these definitions I was not very familiar with, but I thought the words ‘sounded right')

FOMENT (verb) : 'instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action) '

RENT (I'm using as an adjective, from verb ‘rend') : 'torn; rended'
AIN'T (contraction) : 'ain't(ānt) informalcontraction
unpunctuated: aint; 3rd person present: ain't
1. am not; are not; is not.
2. has not; have not.

SUPPOSING (verb) : 'assuming that something is the case on the basis of evidence or probability but without proof or certain knowledge.'

DECADE (NOUN) : 'a period of ten years'

LARK (noun) : 'Using lark to describe carefree fun might come from 1800s sailors' slang, skylark, to describe playing in the rigging of the ship, up high like a lark. ' [skylark/lark is a type of bird also]

Thursday, July 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,doubt,love,love and life,marriage
The poem is true-to-life.The " is" [see poem's line #2], I THINK, is now " was" [ I Stand in awe of the power of communication through poetry! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ]But, does this mean i 'HAVE TO' stay married ANOTHER TEN YEARS? ! :) BRIp.s. when i first submitted this, a few minutes ago, i had 'A' in the title and PH changed it to 'a'! ! ! i have now put spaces between the A and the two apostrophes.i think that will 'take care of things'.p.p.s. normally i do not put anything 'immediately-after' the poem except the date of writing in parentheses.but this time i put definitions to aid readers; i thought they were better put there than in my Poet's Notes.
Valsa George 31 July 2018

I so much enjoyed this poem.... This is quite unlike most of your other poems where you deliberately sound silly! But this I think has come from your heart! Did you read it out to her? ? I am sure she is mighty pleased! No other engagements should stand in the way of marital companionship though each one has his/her own pursuits! Always find some time to be with one's mate! It will cement all cracks in marriage! Top marks!

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Khairul Ahsan 11 August 2018

'This is quite unlike most of your other poems where you deliberately sound silly! ' - Ha ha ha! An interesting observation, Valsa!

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Bri Edwards 25 February 2023

I DON'T KNOW IF I READ IT TO HER. SHE'S NOT MUCH INTERESTED IN MY POEMS....or other thin\gs about me actually. And she can be a pain-in-my-. ha ha.

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Valentin Savin 11 September 2018

Dear Bri, That’s it. I agree with you and think that: Caesar’s Wife Must Be Above Suspicion...

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Bri Edwards 25 February 2023

My friend Val, I miss you since you disappeared from PH. : (

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Belle Wassermeister 17 November 2024

So she still hasn't left you? You must be doing something right!

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Bri Edwards 12 November 2024

Well, I started to read the poem and found my answer about 'A' in my title. : )) 'A' is the first letter of my wife's first name! ! ! BINGO!

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Bri Edwards 12 November 2024

I DON'T know WHY the title has the 'A' in it. ? ? ? ?

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Bri Edwards 25 February 2023

READERS: Thanks to all of you, especially to those who've left comments. AMAZINGLY I am still married to this wife! ! ! ;) But it 'ain't' always easy! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 25 February 2023

Reading this poem again. As i commented earlier, it is an outright honest poem, to remain together for the rest of your lives. Best wishes to you both. I have already voted for this poem.

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success