'WHY' …she asks, 'do we together now live? '
[[ My wife is/(was?) thinking of ‘leaving me'; IT is TRUE! ]]
To this, her question, what answer shall I now give?
It must be honest and believable ….when I am through.
I say now: ' Wife, dear ‘A', we've been married ten years,
and I've never stopped loving you, for even a moment, ….
though I'VE made you angry and ‘brought YOU to tears'!
Without meaning to, marital-unrest, ..I at times foment! '
'We live together because we made a commitment & …
…. despite ‘ups-and-downs', I'm your husband by choice.
You feel you can't go on, but your love's not a bit rent.
IT'S your depression, brought on at times by my VOICE, ….when I raise it to high levels when I get SO annoyed.
I'm sorry for its effect on you; I just can't seem to avoid …
IT! ! '
'We both say we COULD live alone; I'd rather NOT part,
and, though it may be tiny, YOU ‘own' 99% of my heart.
When you're on the PC, studying, or in kitchen, cooking,
I find ‘things to do'; it's NOT ‘to avoid you' I'm looking.
Sometimes I'm reading a book or doing poetry writing,
or caring for ‘your garden'; I DO find outdoors inviting.'
'But it's NOT to avoid you, and you often don't miss me.…
which is OK.Being apart a while ain't bad.Now KISS me,
‘cause I'm ‘working my fingers to the bone' composing ….
this poem for you; I pray you won't be supposing.…
…that I'm not enjoying my brain-taxing task; it's actually ‘FUN'!
And later we can walk in Redwoods; they'll hide the sun.'
I don't think in terms of ‘Fun' or ‘Happy' (much) , it's true,
but for a decade, and now, I'm pleased sharing life with.…..YOU!
I'm also quite content knowing most days you'll be near,
& when you're away I look forward to your return, Dear.'
'I'm not the first (of us) to say: ‘Let's fly Here or There.'
But mostly I've gone along, and some ‘fun' we do share,
whether it's watching bats fly from cave near a Thai park,
walking a trail by the ocean on my birthday ‘for a lark', ..'
'..watching birds at our feeders eating sunflower seeds,
or some other activity which at that time fills our needs.
I still love you and plan to, Dear, for the rest of my life.
I wish to share the good and bad.You ARE my ‘A' wife! '
(July ….25th ….2018)
Some Definitions ….[ thanks, 'Mr. PC' & 'Mrs. Google'! ]
(some of these definitions I was not very familiar with, but I thought the words ‘sounded right')
FOMENT (verb) : 'instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action) '
RENT (I'm using as an adjective, from verb ‘rend') : 'torn; rended'
AIN'T (contraction) : 'ain't(ānt) informalcontraction
unpunctuated: aint; 3rd person present: ain't
1. am not; are not; is not.
2. has not; have not.
SUPPOSING (verb) : 'assuming that something is the case on the basis of evidence or probability but without proof or certain knowledge.'
DECADE (NOUN) : 'a period of ten years'
LARK (noun) : 'Using lark to describe carefree fun might come from 1800s sailors' slang, skylark, to describe playing in the rigging of the ship, up high like a lark. ' [skylark/lark is a type of bird also]
Dear Bri, That’s it. I agree with you and think that: Caesar’s Wife Must Be Above Suspicion...
So she still hasn't left you? You must be doing something right!
Well, I started to read the poem and found my answer about 'A' in my title. : )) 'A' is the first letter of my wife's first name! ! ! BINGO!
READERS: Thanks to all of you, especially to those who've left comments. AMAZINGLY I am still married to this wife! ! ! ;) But it 'ain't' always easy! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Reading this poem again. As i commented earlier, it is an outright honest poem, to remain together for the rest of your lives. Best wishes to you both. I have already voted for this poem.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I so much enjoyed this poem.... This is quite unlike most of your other poems where you deliberately sound silly! But this I think has come from your heart! Did you read it out to her? ? I am sure she is mighty pleased! No other engagements should stand in the way of marital companionship though each one has his/her own pursuits! Always find some time to be with one's mate! It will cement all cracks in marriage! Top marks!
'This is quite unlike most of your other poems where you deliberately sound silly! ' - Ha ha ha! An interesting observation, Valsa!
I DON'T KNOW IF I READ IT TO HER. SHE'S NOT MUCH INTERESTED IN MY POEMS....or other thin\gs about me actually. And she can be a pain-in-my-. ha ha.