Mr. Politician Poem by Fahim Sayed

Fahim Sayed

Fahim Sayed

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Fahim Sayed
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Mr. Politician

Rating: 5.0

Mr. Politician
You got no soul, you got no religion,
What favors you?
Determines your decision

Mr. Good you propose to be,
Before the election,
Mr. Selfish you become,
After your selection

Mr. Politician
What happens to people, for you it makes no difference,
Thing most important to you,
Is political turbulence

How good is your politics?
Where do you stand?
Will you hold your chair?
Or will eat some sand?

Mr. Politician
You got no soul, you got no religion,
What favors you?
Determines your decision

You make deals, you make alliances,
To safeguard your chair,
You hold rallies, conferences,
With some flair

Mr. Right you pretend to be,
When signing a pact,
Mr. Rich you become,
With your interest intact

You make people believe in you,
With all the promises you do.
But very little they knew,
Honest are very few.

Mr. Politician
You got no soul, you got no religion,
What favors you?
Determines your decision

Tia Maria 22 July 2008

I know we should not generalise but so many come to mind reading this - I wonder if there is a particular one you are thinking of? It is of no matter - it's just so true of most. I do not envy that job though.

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Rajaram Ramachandran 22 July 2008

One great man said, 'Politics is the last refuge of a scoundrel.' You have rightly confirmed it in your poem.

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Mark Nwagwu 22 July 2008

you say it right, you say it well, politicians tell true lies

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Susan Jarvis 22 July 2008

'Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.' Ernest Benn's brilliant diagnosis sums up the essence of your wonderful poem - a very apt choice of subject in our troubled times! S ;)

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Soha Bayat Kheradmand 22 July 2008

Say it again! Good job!

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Cyclopseven R 18 August 2008

Hi Fahim..this is a good poem to reflect the nature of politicians. Though not all are like that. How about writing another poem about human in general, with the same connotation as in this poem? I bet you can do that. You are doing great, buddy. God Bless.

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Sadiqullah Khan 05 August 2008

a fine poem about politicians, , well written, ,

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James B. Earley 02 August 2008

Definition of oxymoron - Honest politician.

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Indira Renganathan 29 July 2008

Very rightly portrayed.Thanks.Read my poem 'Politics' too.

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Gohar Sana 28 July 2008

nice while reading this i thought some raper wrote it and would sing it.

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Fahim Sayed

Fahim Sayed

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Fahim Sayed
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