Moving On Poem by David Harris

David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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David Harris
Bradfield, England
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Moving On

Rating: 5.0

This poem was inspired by Linda Ori’s poem Forgive Her

There are times in our lives,
when we just have to move on.
We find it impossible,
to live with someone.
Instead of making two lives
embittered and enraged.
We must lay down our love,
loosen the memories there,
disconnect all the ties,
that bind us together.

Moving on isn’t easy,
when hearts have been entwined
for a long, long time.
It will take many tears of regret,
even doubt will set in.
Questions will be raised,
who was right, who was wrong.
The hurt they say gets easier
as time moves along.

The knowledge that many,
have walked down the same path before.
Is little comfort,
when we start out the door.
We have to be strong,
and have no regrets.
Keep our mind focused,
forgive and forget,
then start the process of moving on.

Linda Ori 18 October 2007

Oh, David - you really do understand what I was trying to say. It's the most difficult thing to admit that maybe you just weren't enough for that other person, or worse, that they just didn't love you as much as you loved them. A sad situation that we all probably experience sooner or later. Nice write, David. (And thanks for the recognition) . Linda :) xx

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Ernestine Northover 18 October 2007

Strength is definiitely what we need David, whether it be a separation where two people are still on this earth, or whether it be a separation by death. Both are equally hard to come to terms with. A nice write on something that happens to all of us at one time or another. Nice flowing read. Love and hugs Ernestine XXX

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Andrew mark Wilkinson 18 October 2007

Forgive and forget, not always easy to do...10

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
follow poet
David Harris
Bradfield, England
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