As I sit on my high chair,
My mother, she feeds me,
With a tiny silver spoon,
Mashed carrots and potatoes,
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what a sad sad poem! ! ! ...but doesn't it happen in life...when there is no light at the end of the tunnel?
what a sad sad poem! ! ! ...but doesn't it happen in life...when there is no light at the end of the tunnel?
what a sad sad poem! ! ! ...but doesn't it happen in life...when there is no light at the end of the tunnel?
Shape shifting poetry.. All i can say is amazing... The change is unmatched...
yes as priya rightly extremely intense....the stuff of texts...if i may safely one of the top poems iv done on PH doc u got talent.... putting down gingerly......a humble ten....lest i break your conecentration and your your loving longing chain of thought....honest i could write hours on it may she rest in peace and her fond remembrance bring you...cheers
This is truely a beautiful poem. It really moved me. I give it a 10! :)
frankly say, you've done brilliant in your Mom..'s..hope more to have exquisite rhythm of profundity...thanks Reshma! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
this poems going to make me im serious. wonderful job. i love it. too bad you can only go up to 10 on the voting thing cause id give you a 100%
This was penned with much sadness, and truth... It broke my heart, and maybe that is what it was ment to do? ? Very good..... bonnie
Great thought provoker! It took me a minute to get the story line. Great JOB!
a great piece of work....soo lovely.....thanks for sharing...
I am not sure whose grave you are suppose to be sitting on - your’s our her’s. Should this be “As I sit on my (her) grave, / Looking at the grass shake”. It might be that I don’t understand the three lines: In my heart, She took what she Gave me 'life'
You are very lucky with your station in life, especially in India. But I also admire your attitude towards life and its impermanence.
this poem emothionally brought me too my knees its very said but ive had a little dose of pain recently so it didnt hurt as much wen i finishedreading it but id give a 10 any way good job
when i read this....emotions came over me this is a REALLY sad poem love your vision i've always enjoyed your work write more! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1000000++++++ from me
Wow...this poem made me cry. Very good poem, really pulls at the heartstrings...I give you a ten.
A very sad and shocking end to a lovely mother-daughter bonding. Emotional portrayal. Though, the poem is silent about what prompted the mother to take such a drastic step, it is indeed a telling comment on a degenerating society bereft of old values based on love, affection and respect for one another in the family or otherwise. Another aspect is that in many societies in India, the girl is still considered a big liability. My sincere thanks. - - - - She took what she - - - - Gave me 'life'