Moment In Time Poem by San Dii

San Dii

San Dii

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San Dii
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Moment In Time

there was a time i loved your face,
i loved your smile,
i loved your everything
and suddenly my world crashed in million peaces,
i hated your face, i hated your smile,
i hated your everything,
as the time passed i learned to live with it,
learned to see your face,
learned to see you smile,
yet your smile was never the same,
i know there is something missing,
that shadow over your face is something new,
but where is the shine in your eyes i used to see,
i used to love, it is not in your eyes,
that shadow stole it,
that shadow which is all over your face, what is it?
i'd like to know will i ever see a smile i loved,
or was it just a dream, a moment in time i got lost in
, and i never found way out, i tried to find it
but i know now that i'm lost forever in that short moment
, now i beg you to show me the way out
or i'll never love anyones face or any other smile
, please let me out of that prison of your eyes,
let me be free from your smile,
i need to get out i need to see the light again,
this shadows are killing me,
let me go or move the shadows away
and keep me forever locked in your smile,
in your eyes and in your heart

Dave Walker 09 January 2012

Great poem, like it, a good write.

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San Dii

San Dii

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San Dii
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