Mj: The Sweet Debutante Poem by Raymond Cabrera

Raymond Cabrera

Raymond Cabrera

Guinsang-an, South Cotabato, Philippines
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Raymond Cabrera
Guinsang-an, South Cotabato, Philippines
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Mj: The Sweet Debutante

For now you turns at age of eighteen,
Like a princess during ancient scene
Wearing gown of lovely colors of red,
Dancing through the melody of life
In endless dream lingers upon your head

Your wit, your stares, your sweetest smiles,
Your traits, your dreams - my heart beguiles,
For now you're a lady and a girl no more
A complete woman that man could adore
And later or sooner as time goes by;
There come a man that will make you cry,
Why not be happy for love instead of tear?
Why not strive to love rather than fear?

Not numbers of age; nor times that passed
Could fade my love that forever would last,
O, my sweet friend, so keen and bright,
Life is just but a fading dream to live by
Either in death or darkening of my sight,
I'll always treasure you till the moment I die.

Happy 18th Birthday!
My Best Wishes!

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Raymond Cabrera

Raymond Cabrera

Guinsang-an, South Cotabato, Philippines
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Raymond Cabrera
Guinsang-an, South Cotabato, Philippines
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