Mere Political Poet Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

RoseAnn V. Shawiak

RoseAnn V. Shawiak

New Jersey
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RoseAnn V. Shawiak
New Jersey
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Mere Political Poet

Seriously thinking about younger days filled with
promise and hope, having done many things that were
dangerous and exciting, wishing I could still do
what I did then.

Also, thinking how very political I have always been,
and wondering why I didn't get into a public office
besides being a notary public here in Arizona.

What a progressive I would've been, new and creative
ideas would have added much to government, wondering
to myself if it is too late now.

Thinking, should I run for some office here in Phoenix,
Arizona, it would be interesting, a learning experience
that I would look forward to readily.

My Dad having worked for Barry Goldwater when he was
running for President back in the 60's, while I was
volunteering every week in his headquarters, loving it.

Having met and worked with Eisenhower's daughter, Julie,
enjoying every moment there and later visiting with Barry
and Peggy, having tea and many conversations with them.

Yes, all my life has been closely associated with politics,
I think I may have missed my calling by going into nursing
way back then.

Now being a mere poet, getting studied by scientists and
enjoying life and it's fascination being placed in my life.

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RoseAnn V. Shawiak

RoseAnn V. Shawiak

New Jersey
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RoseAnn V. Shawiak
New Jersey
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