Memories Of Heaven Poem by sultan mahmud

sultan mahmud

sultan mahmud

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sultan mahmud
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Memories Of Heaven

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Beyond the gates of the hundred arches of heaven
Suppose one day we were too
I'm Adam, you're the Eve.
Those days are so beautiful and magnificent.
There is no sin, no filth, no remorse.
Life is so beautiful, so weird, so meystorious
Such a colorful, impeccable beauty, awesome, splendid!

What could be greater than the love of the Lord?
We wandered two birds with the love of the Lord.
I turned to sing in the murmur of the fountain
In the sweet fountain stream of milk.
You and me in the scent of meshak amber
How far we have walked together holding hands
How long to walk tirelessly
Immersed in the world of love
No eye has seen, no heart has understood
Heaven can be so beautiful that the whole Lord has given it to us.
Tell me what else to dream, which was more than the hot dream of Mode.

I remember you and me in the pomegranate garden
Falls to the ground as soon as it is caught,
Bunches of grapes, juicy mango,
Apples, pears, cherries, oranges
The bird flies in the shape of a cormorant,
Honey, wine, milk, juice in food.
What the mind wants, what it doesn't want
What more could the Lord give me!

I don't know what happened then
Life can be like this even after such happiness
Such sorrow can come to such suffering?
There was neither thought nor imagination.
You and I ate the scent of the devil's deception,
What a shame, remorse, self-pity.
The wrathful beloved Lord did such a thing.
Where is the green garden, the golden garden
Where is that bird song, flower smile?
There is no one, no hot sandy desert.
How many time we were isolated?
How many nights we cried will feel remorse.
Alas, tears and tears do not come!

after cring than receiving the Lord's mercy
You and I remained in the world.

Memories Of Heaven
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: healing
Mahtab Bangalee 30 November 2020

nice description slightly touching the paradise lost and paradise regain

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sultan mahmud

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