Melancholy Turns Up Poem by Adrian Cox

Adrian Cox

Adrian Cox

Lincoln England
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Adrian Cox
Lincoln England
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Melancholy Turns Up

Rating: 5.0

I'm fast asleep, the rain pours down on this winters day.
My room is dark, the sky outside is grey.
I'm like climbing up a cliff face while gravity pulls me down.
One jump that's all it takes, just one slip to get me down.
The icy ledge is my life, I'm feeling pretty cold.
Dreaming I can feel my feet slipping from my hold.

It's just another day, as I wake up I feel sad.
Waiting for work at two O'clock, something I wish I never had.
Turn up the stereo, play some jazz man.
Lay back in bed I’m an avid jazz fan.
A watch on my wrist ticking away the second hand.
I'm conscious of the time because I'll soon be in demand.
deep down inside I've got the blues.
Waiting for work it's just bad news.
It's Monday afternoon, I'm starting work soon.
Turn up the tape it's a sad jazz tune.

The rain has stopped, but the wind howls by.
Clouds move fast across the winter's cold and sunny sky.
I'm drinking cups of coffee tasting pretty sour.
Sitting on my bed I've been contemplating here for almost an hour.
I'm listening to some more jazz music on my stereo
whilst waiting for work on late shift, but I don't want to go.

Rachel Butler 08 November 2009

'I'm like climbing up a cliff face while gravity pulls me down. One jump that's all it takes, just one slip to get me down' Rachel Ann Butler

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Priyanka Bhowmick 06 July 2009

reflections of a blank day... fine portrayed.

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Susan Aparejo 05 July 2009

this poem helps me reminds the vanity of being alone. Well done congrats. Thanks for reading my poem too 10/10

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Adrian Cox

Adrian Cox

Lincoln England
follow poet
Adrian Cox
Lincoln England
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