Marilyn: Beautiful, Just Beautiful! Poem by Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

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Denis Martindale
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Marilyn: Beautiful, Just Beautiful!

Beyond the realm of beauty seen,
When she came, she lit up the screen,
Her hair aglow, red lips pristine,
Outshining every beauty queen...
And like a star God set on high,
Each man agreed as she passed by,
Such that they each let out a sigh,
Thanks to the twinkle in her eye...
She knew full well her sex appeal,
The way a lonely man can feel,
The way love proved somehow to heal
And that she told from reel to reel...
Film posters drew men by the score,
Because to them she had no flaw,
She truly filled each one with awe,
As if a goddess to adore...
And when she sang her siren song,
They sensed that she could do no wrong
And from this came a love so strong
Each man on Earth seemed to belong...
No wonder hopes and dreams came fast,
Today they linger from the past,
Her legacy is truly vast,
She was a star from first to last...

Denis Martindale June 2017.

Marilyn: Beautiful, Just Beautiful!
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: celebrity,true love
Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

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Denis Martindale
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