Mariah! Mariah! Mariah! Poem by Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

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Denis Martindale
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Mariah! Mariah! Mariah!

Mariah, since I found true love
That nestled in your eyes,
No other maiden seems enough
To now outweigh my sighs...
For you have fashioned in my heart,
A throne just meant for you,
As if some wonder to impart
When you come into view...

For like a princess or a queen,
You sway me to your cause,
Such that there stands no gap between
Except for God's own laws...
For I would gladly follow on
The path you set for life,
As if God's light on you were shone,
Should you become my wife...

And if once blessed a child to bear,
Mariah called as well,
Perhaps, she, too, with golden hair,
Would have her tale to tell...
But only if you kiss my lips,
In Church and say, 'I do...'
And reach out to my fingertips
Confessing, 'I love you...'

Denis Martindale 5th of May 2016.

A poem that can be sung to the hymn,
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Let Nothing Ye Dismay...

Mariah! Mariah! Mariah!
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: true love,wedding
Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

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Denis Martindale
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