Maria Poem by Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

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Denis Martindale
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To say Maria's beautiful,
How could that prove enough?
To say Maria's wonderful
Would merely hint at love!
Yet there's much more than face and form
Than one would first esteem,
For she's so gentle, friendly, warm...
The best girl one could dream...

I know this sounds as if a crush,
Yet she deserves acclaim...
This isn't some romantic rush,
More like a soothing flame...
The kind that warms the soul, the heart,
The spirit deep within...
The kind that stirs the poet's art,
Another heart to win...

Maria... what a gorgeous girl!
I pause to dream and sigh...
I'm like a man who's found a pearl,
The apple of my eye!
A sweetish dish, eye-candy, yes,
God-blessed in every way...
To share my share of happiness
I wrote this poem today...

Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

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Denis Martindale
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