Making Lists Poem by Hugh Cobb

Hugh Cobb

Hugh Cobb

New York, NY
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Hugh Cobb
New York, NY
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Making Lists

Rating: 5.0

Making lists -
a substitute for action
emotion, all human transactions
cross indexed kept sterile
in neat tables
set with everyday china...
utilitarian concerns foremost:
anything at all to prevent feeling
to keep the heart numb & safe,
buffering all blows
so all are somehow
just the same:
love, a simple rutting of the loins;
separation; divorce; even death
all equal in effect
as though the sea
& its waves were somehow
uniform & non-threatening...
'Make a list:
what to do
when hurricanes come...'
it surely must suffice.

(Copyright 3/10/2006)

Anna Russell 10 March 2006

I never make lists - loved this (as usual! !) Biggggg hugs Anna xxx

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Charles Chaim Wax 10 March 2006

where can a safe secure life be found? the great question as the heart trembles but the brave embrace the subtle motion of life never sure if that trembling breath will turn out right still on and on a great poem

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kskdnj sajn 10 March 2006

Hugh, Sad at times is the human's ability to percieve. There is much to fear. Exhaustion eventually infects us all, learned helplessness, depression, or grief. Appreciation keeps the soul strong, and can change a person's list. (Like when I see you online) . :) Angie

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Greatest good for the greatest number Mr Cobb. Keep up that utilitarianism, please! - Love this.

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Linda Jenkinson 19 March 2006

I find i usually list to the left...but then i enjoy listing...good usual...

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Declan McHenry 17 March 2006

Cheers Hugh. Another finely crafted piece. You pitch them well.

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your statement on love really stands out in this piece. i'm a fan of the way you say powerful things, embed them in your poems, create fresh ways of expressing thoughts.

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Scarlett Treat 11 March 2006

Oh, Dear! Oh, My! OH, NO! ! I am such a list-maker. Does this mean that I refuse to face reality? ? Seems so. Scarlett

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Hugh Cobb

Hugh Cobb

New York, NY
follow poet
Hugh Cobb
New York, NY
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