Lucas James Poem by Gary Vanderbur

Gary Vanderbur

Gary Vanderbur

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Gary Vanderbur
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Lucas James

Way down up in the hills of Tennessee,
Lives an old man you won't believe.
Goes by the name of Lucas James
And this here story's about his fame.

Now, Lucas was a dirty old man;
Loved his whiskey as much as his Ma'am.
Spent his life a workin' a farm.
Feuding with the neighbors don't do no harm.

One fine day while working his still,
The local revenooer came and drank his fill.
They talked 'bout the weather and the county fair.
You'd never find a more likeable pair.

He told old Lucas to enter his 'shine.
He said, 'Don't you worry. It'll do real fine.'
But Lucas was worried 'cause you see,
He didn't want to part with the recipe.

He finally agreed to enter it,
Once he got his recipe copywrit.
That made the revenooer a happy man,
'Cause he'll be sittin' on the judgin' stand.

Oh, Lucas James, the angels sing your name out loud,
For no one can make corn likker like you.
Oh, Lucas James, the angels sing your name out loud,
For only you can make corn likker light.

Came the day of the county fair.
A thousand people had gathered there.
They all crowded 'round Lucas' stall.
It looked like a regular convention hall.

Finally came the judgin' event.
Lucas had them judges bent.
T'weren't no doubt who'd won first prize.
Just take a look at what's left of their eyes.

Lucas' 'shine took the purple grand.
Everybody wanted to shake his hand.
They were all yelling, 'Take it to state'
'What ya got here is really first rate! '

Can the day of the grand state fair.
A hunnert thousand people had gathered there.
T'weren't no doubt who'd won first prize.
Governor said, 'Lucas! ' and uped and died.

Oh, Lucas James, the angels sing your name out loud,
For no one can make corn likker like you.
Oh, Lucas James, the angels sing your name out loud,
For only you can make corn likker light.

Now, way down up in the hills of Tennessee,
Lives an old man they all believe.
Goes by the name of Lucas James
And makes the whiskey that bears his name.

So, If'n yer ever down my way,
We'll go out and make some hay…

...With some good James.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(by Vandy
© September,1970 (revised September 9,1979)
Write Naturally Publishing House
...a division of VAN Enterprises)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: country,lyrics
Kim Barney 25 October 2016

I tried to sing it to the tune of 'Rueben James' by Kenny Rogers but couldn't make it fit. A very fun poem, however.

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Gary Vanderbur

Gary Vanderbur

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Gary Vanderbur
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