When love is at your core, it will always explode falsehood!
All of life will be seen in its true essence,
no fake frosting-no, not good.
The fire inside will well up and flow over to all,
matters not where, in the home or the Mall.
Lovingness will be showered on the cashier and the bum,
All will be blessed by your smile and warm yum!
Your kindness will flourish, your realness apparent,
All the layers of fakeness, all temple veils be rent!
ALL of life is beautiful thru lenses of pureness,
There is a reason for all, a balance, a sureness!
Give a beggar a beer, give your teen a green joint,
why deny people their wanting, what is the point?
Are your rules the correct ones, all others to frown?
YOUR guidelines for all, and peace on Earth will abound?
Live and let live, give and give away and don't tell,
YOUR view of a perfect life is probably my hell!
Love I will wildly, scaring shy ladies and my neighbor,
Love is the lense thru which I will always labor.
I love the pretty, the sweet, tasty, sour and mean,
Love is the only gear known by my heartful machine.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem