Love Is A Lie. Poem by Christina Shischell

Christina Shischell

Christina Shischell

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Christina Shischell
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Love Is A Lie.

Rating: 2.9

Love is a Lie
Love is painful
Love is holding in your cries
Love is tears falling down
Like rain from a window
Love is accepting what will never be changed
Love is a screaming sadness trapped inside
Breaking lose only to show your great pain
Only to explain the torment you feel
Love is just another road to satisfaction
Love is a bleeding heart with no tourniquet
Love is never truthful, never honest
Love is a few moments of joy and days of pain
Love is something I wish could be more pure
Love is not what it should be
Love is a weapon, used so wrongly
If love is all these things
Then, tell me, is it really love?

(C) 2005

John S 18 November 2015

I don't usually like poetry written in a modern manner, but I like this poem. This does make you question what exactly is love? We say we love our family, our lover, our dog, love to read poetry in general, sports, warm weather... but really love has different meaning, parameters, and characteristics in each of those situations. And what does it mean to love someone who hurts you? A deep question posed by this poem, kind of like what is the meaning of life. What is love? I'll have to think about that one.

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Zoe Howlett 25 May 2010

this peom really got through to me, im only 14 but i know what it is like to love someone and what you are put through.

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Mary Holifield 12 September 2007

I love this poem. It lets people know the true feelings of love. Have you once before been hurt to know? It seems that you are experienced in what you are writing. I can feel your pain. It really touched me on the inside. Love is hurt with a disguise.

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Ashley Kelly 08 May 2007

I Love this makes me rethink my own meaning of love. it's beautiful..... Love and peace.... Ash

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Davina Caddell 28 October 2006

i love this poem. what is love really. you truth on its concept are very harsh but they are non teh less true for most pole. they are for me at least. iv'e just writting a peom on this somae subject of how hard love really is. 'cusred love' thats all it is... love is a painfull curse we live with. verry good christina.

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Christina Shischell

Christina Shischell

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Christina Shischell
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