Poets are
Loaners, Donors
Of their time
Of their feelings
Of their cares,
Almost "saints"
They write with gusto
And much flair,
Poetry is all to them,
And new worlds
And new horizons,
They create
Trying to equate,
Beauty, feelings
Balance out,
Much more love
Instead of hate.
Poetry is love and poetry is all in all for poets. You have very nice thoughts to share with all of us. This poem is interesting.
(4) ...by the way, please just accept my highest appreciations for you, that remains, Only the title is thought provoking for me. Now I am shouting out: So good that you have brought out the Peace, Love, Beauty and Cares in this ardent poem. YOU are except a great poetess, also an adorable person who loves poetry in all its segments, as poetry ought to be. PS. I still have moist eyes because of the undefinable beauty of heart in this poem, dearest Sandra your poet friend Sylvia
(3) ...I must admit that your themes, almost all, do constantly touch me. My dear most sympathetic poetess, my greatest thank you for each word in this gorgeous poem you have written for my person, coming from you do mean a very very lot to me. You and I love poetry so much, your poetry with that mesmerizing touch,
(2) ...but my mind is out of balance now, am walking hobble-bobble and become insecure. Have I deserved this? YOU know as the best, my dear Sandra. You have created this poem fluently as your thoughts go. This is too beautiful to accept, such a profound poem coming from your warm heart.... I love poems and poetry and the persons who create- them, and depending on the subjects (themes) they choose.
(1) I have slept two nights and I´ve read read this magnificent poetry, a loveliest token of thanks from you time and again. Such loveliest lines and words coming from your deepest thoughts, most beautifully worded and brought out from your honest inside, really profoundly uttered. I am true flattered my dear poetess,
Sylvia Frances Chan is a sweet and humble poetess. She has truly inspired many a soul...10++++
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A beautiful poem dedicated to a wonderful poetess.