Living In Solitude Poem by Jongoni Sripriya

Jongoni Sripriya

Jongoni Sripriya

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Jongoni Sripriya
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Living In Solitude

Rating: 5.0

Living in Solitude, wasn't my choice.
Who likes to be alone, not being social?
Neither I liked, but was left loner.
Huge urge and want to meet,
People I love and make the time sprint.
But never actually did, people have excuses.

Living in Solitude, was never easy.
It's tough to stay with calm mind,
Which is under storm of thoughts insane.
Didn't knew what to do with life and time.
Felt days longer and nights sleepless.
Just counting on and on for change.

Living in solitude, was tough to understand,
That how it could actually embrace one self.
I spent whole of it hating my loneliness.
Without realizing simple facts of life.
I felt bad for not meeting those,
Who didn't even bothered to meet so.

Living in Solitude, Taught me wisdom.
I was searching for happiness in people,
Time with them and things more than myself.
Though very late, I finally understood.
Happiness in not stringed with any of them.
Neither people, nor time with loved ones, nor things.

Living in Solitude, Brought me closer to myself.
Made me more optimistic, more happy go.
Gave me a different outlook on life and people.
Helped me to segregate what's more important.
And that's me, yes you heard it right.
Felt blessed that I have got so much time for myself.

Living in Solitude, Changed me for better.
Learned to work for myself, my pleasures.
Helped to increase value of my life each day,
Gave me time to learn new things, to explore
New edges of world, and see things differently.
And finally made me who I am supposed to be.

Living In Solitude
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: alone,loneliness,solitude
Though it's hard to stay solitude and cope up with loneliness, It often gives us great opportunities to know more about ourselves. It helps us and giving us abundant time with which we can work and think about ourselves.
At the beginning we often find it miserable with overflowing pessimistic thoughts, but eventually we will realize self worth and start to spend our time more effectively and make ourselves more happier than ever before.
See it's all about the mind set, We need to just remember that happiness is not something which we get by others, Its meant to be found ourselves and in ourselves.
Why to bother about people when it's you who actually responsible for your happiness and comfort. Yes, so gear up, feel lucky not every one gets this much time for themselves, you have got so embrace it, explore, learn new things, happiness will eventually follow you.
Jagdish Singh Ramána 14 April 2020

Great dear poet. Yes, solitude is a boon. It lets us travel new shores of the world. A boon of contemplation. Sometimes solitude is not silence and clamour is not noise. Immersive. My poem entitled 'The Wind: An Etreme Instance' could be of your interest. Thank you.

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Dr Antony Theodore 06 February 2020

Living in solitude, was tough to understand, That how it could actually embrace one self. I spent whole of it hating my loneliness. Without realizing simple facts of life. Wisdom in solitude...... a great poem which makes the reader to think. tony

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Dr Antony Theodore 19 September 2019

Huge urge and want to meet, People I love and make the time sprin Living in Solitude, Changed me for better. Learned to work for myself, my pleasures. Helped to increase value of my life each day.. this is all fine. but we all have the need to love, give love and receive love. dont you think so.... may God bless u to get a great and smple man who will love yu. tony

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Jongoni Sripriya

Jongoni Sripriya

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Jongoni Sripriya
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