Like A Shot From The Gun Poem by J Sheba Anandhi

J Sheba Anandhi

J Sheba Anandhi

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J Sheba Anandhi
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Like A Shot From The Gun

Rating: 5.0

As a class we had so much fun,
It was spontaneous like a shot
That was coming from the gun,
Every second was interesting
And everything was fancifying,
There were some tears of joy
Which got multiplied into a lot,
To that utmost point we did enjoy.

Friday, January 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: fun,tears,class
Dr Antony Theodore 13 October 2020

Every second was interesting And everything was fancifying, There were some tears of joy Which got multiplied into a lot, Like a shot from the gun. very fine poem. tony

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Dr Antony Theodore 08 February 2018

There were some tears of joy Which got multiplied into a lot, To that utmost point we did enjoy. very fine poem.. remembering those good old days....... thank you der poetess. tony

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Rajnish Manga 04 July 2017

It is always interesting and a fun to look back and recall our school days. You have nicely re-created the thrill of those early days. Thanks a lot. Every second was interesting To that utmost point we did enjoy.

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Terry Craddock 01 January 2016

'It was spontaneous like a shot That was coming from the gun, Every second was interesting And everything was fancifying, ' a class to enrol in, good students, good teacher or both?

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J Sheba Anandhi 02 January 2016


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J Sheba Anandhi

J Sheba Anandhi

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J Sheba Anandhi
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