Light, Light Oh Light, Light Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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Kumarmani Mahakul
Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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Light, Light Oh Light, Light

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Light oh dear light, you do light
Light I search you in deep night.
Right you do for me I feel bright
How can we live here without light?

Light in rays we see in sun light
Moonlight glows in calmness right.
Noon blooms midday light in site,
White page writes about new might.

Cite reference of God you do write,
Light is in deep research we slight.
Flight is taken of mind we recite,
Satellite moves on says sky tonight.

Ignite mind you all soon in light,
Fight you do not brothers be tight.
Site of love is Earth we do upright
Favourite is father God is might.

Right luck here we have to write,
Recite love of father to be bright
Light we do search in deep night
Light oh dear light, you do light.

Saturday, October 3, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life,light,love and art,spiritual
Without wisdom and light we can never sustain. To get touch of light we search God and get his boon. Sun spreads light rays of energy and moon spreads about calmness. We write right luck on basis of light. So light should love our urging and to make us fortunate bright light should glow. This is the theme of this poem. This is written in Deogarh, Odisha, India and dedicated to the people of the world.
Fabrizio Frosini 03 October 2015

To be a believer means one can find comfort, relief.. and also joy.. Well, I 'envy' believers.. Cheers

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Edward Kofi Louis 05 October 2015

in deep night with the muse of the light for the sight. Nice work.

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Isabel Pimentel 11 October 2020

Light of wisdom is ever necessary. We should feel light of mercy of God.

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Caleb Wiggins 10 October 2020

God's wisdom is true light for us. We should love to have this light in life. This poem is very interesting really!

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Dr Antony Theodore 02 April 2019

gnite mind you all soon in light, Fight you do not brothers be tight. Site of love is Earth we do upright Favourite is father God is might. a great journey here on earth in search of light. we land finally in the land of eternal light. thank u dear poet. tony

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Sarojini Pattayat 02 July 2016

Yes, our journey is towards light. well written, happy writing

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Seema Chowdhury 13 October 2015

A well composed write, nicely written.

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Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
follow poet
Kumarmani Mahakul
Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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