Let Me Fly Poem by asma bahrainwala

asma bahrainwala

asma bahrainwala

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asma bahrainwala
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Let Me Fly

Rating: 4.2

I was born
Free to fly high
And soar into
The blue sky.

Please don’t
Confine me
In a concrete cage;
This would make me
Mad with rage.

Please don’t
Clip my wings
To prevent my flight.
Please let me sing my song
And reach great heights.

Please let me
Spread my wings
And take off into my life.
Please let me
Flap my wings
And levitate towards the sky.

Though I may not
Soar high
At the very first try,
But please let me
Sprout wings;

Please let me

Arti Chopra 30 January 2007

that is a lovely poem..makes you really want to soar carefree in the blue skies..and look down at the earthlings... my poem was inspired when I saw a beautiful parrot locked up in a golden cage in a shop...it moved me regards Arti

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Roger Bowman 22 November 2006

Wish I could fly high, high up in the sky and for a moment I did reading your lovely poem. Take care Roger

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Donna Nimmo 18 November 2006

A very moving poem and so many in life try to clip your wings. I felt your poem, Thank You

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R H 18 November 2006

With such passion behind your writing, I am in no doubt you will let your soul soar Asma. Kind regards, Justine

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Reuben Matthew 18 November 2006

Dear Asma, you do soar high when you write. i can sense immense desperation in this poem. break all the confinements and fly high. love, Reuben.

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asma bahrainwala

asma bahrainwala

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asma bahrainwala
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