Leaving By Taxi Poem by Eddie Roa

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Eddie Roa

Eddie Roa

Manila. Philippines
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Eddie Roa
Manila. Philippines
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Leaving By Taxi

Rating: 4.7

Tell him not to go
Tug at his coat sleeves
Cry out in plea
Won’t you?

He’s going now
All suited up in black
Sullen cabbie waits
In a gaudily festooned hack

Cab fare is ready
Two minted coppers
Covering his twin orbs
As the flag went down

The taxi crept
In an unhurried pace
The radio droned a hymn
I heard it hum a somber tune

The hack bucked and sputtered
As he bade goodbye to each block
Past known haunts and faces
Turning last into a gated arch

Vaibhav Pandey 31 January 2009

quite unique in presentation.......very well expressed......

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I must say the first 'stanza'...beginning lines...plea, touched my heart...read it over and over again...I loved the description of what he was wearing and his haste with fare already at hand...I am not sure what the taxi driver did or the rest mattered to me...I am going to read it all again just to be sure. 10 for this first time read.

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Catrina Heart 01 February 2009

an opus so meaningful painted with fine imagery...glad you ahve invited me over to read your page....Thanks...10/10

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C. P. Sharma 01 February 2009

Awesome. I agree with my philosopher and friend Yoonoos. CP

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So gentle peaceful and nice. Krista

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Kumarmani Mahakul 31 March 2019

The hack bucked and sputtered and the taxi crept, . Travelling experience you have beautifully explained in this poem.10

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Jim Norausky 06 March 2009

Great imagery in a melodramatic setting. Well done.10 here. Jim

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Gargi Saha 08 February 2009

A wonderful write. U get 10++......... Love & hugs.

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Edgar Andrade Baguio 05 February 2009

I just wonder how creepy must the taxi be with those melancholic moving sounds of cadence in between the persona's pace... Deeper than the other lines I must say.

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Abraham De La Torrre 03 February 2009

Shakespeare would've stirred in his sentimental grave. What! no tears? Hysteria being the norm of Philippine partings, your question mocks the mushiness of most mortals. Would that comings and goings were as routine as toothbrushing, we'd be better off, won't we? I take that back, people being so, it's anyone's privilege to be poised or puerile. Like your point of being - what else - to the point. Bravo!

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222 / 183
Eddie Roa

Eddie Roa

Manila. Philippines
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Eddie Roa
Manila. Philippines
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222 / 183
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