Late At Night Poem by Naida Nepascua Supnet

Naida Nepascua Supnet

Naida Nepascua Supnet

bayambang, pangasinan, philippines
follow poet
Naida Nepascua Supnet
bayambang, pangasinan, philippines
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Late At Night

Rating: 4.6

Late at night
When it is quiet and dark
I reveal all the hurts
And release every pain
That my heart can't contain

Late at night
When the moon looks serene
And the stars are smiling
I watch rolling tears
Sad, unstoppable tears

Late at night
Only when the crickets sing
And my heart beats like a drum
It's when I free my mind
From worries of any kind

Late at night
When silence is deafening
And noise is never near
I hear the real sound
That my heart wants to sing

Late at night
It's when I find the real me
The weak, vulnerable me
Because I pretended during the day
As if hurts didn't come my way

Late at night
When it is light and late
When it is love and not hate
Is when I unburden all pain
Tomorrow I'll be strong again.

Malaya Roses 17 April 2011

wet your pillow with tears and ease your heart from pain...cry is the best medicine! ! ! The poetess was pouring her sadness down to the night with no reservation. Well done.

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Kee Thampi 25 April 2011

Late at night When silence is deafening And noise is never near I hear the real sound That my heart wants to sing a dream come to true, poetess makes a reality in words of soul

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Manonton Dalan 02 December 2015

very lovely... panay samit la natan ta nakal lay sakit

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Bea Havinga 10 October 2011

Beautifully done; I can relate to these feelings so very well. Sometimes in the late hours we release our pains or feel the serenity of the silence so deeply, that is touches our souls.

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Cristina Teodor 05 October 2011

The silence transposed by you in a peaceful, harmonic 'late at night' atmosphere where heart can release all the pain and charge with positive thoughts for a new day..Cristina Teodor

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Ashley Bachtel 24 September 2011

i feel the same way hun... I can relate to this beautiful work of art 100%.

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Jim Troy 11 August 2011

Your poem reminds me of how peaceful and fulfilling the late hours of the night can be. The emptying of frustrations and renewing sort of recharging our batteries. It is truly a friend to us and so valuable to have.......Thanks for telling it in your beautiful way................... Jim Troy

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Naida Nepascua Supnet

Naida Nepascua Supnet

bayambang, pangasinan, philippines
follow poet
Naida Nepascua Supnet
bayambang, pangasinan, philippines
follow poet
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