Krishna, Krishna (Krishna Music) Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

Bijay Kant Dubey

Bijay Kant Dubey

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Bijay Kant Dubey
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Krishna, Krishna (Krishna Music)

Krishna, Krishna,
O Krishna,
Where are you playing the flute from
And the melody breaking it
With the sweet notes
Flowing down to us?

Krishna, Krishna,
A golden statue of Krishna,
The eyes lie they closed in
And the image
So captivating and charming,
Delighting the self!

Krishna, Krishna,
Playing the tunes
And the sweet notes breaking forth,
The melodies taking us far away
And the image of the One with the flute
Dancing before the eyes.

Krishna with the flute,
Playing the notes,
Seated under the kadamba tree,
Going with the cowherds
And the twilight picturesque
With their coming.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: art
Tony Comegys 28 October 2022

Bijay, I would love to feature this poem in a documentary I'm making about Hinduism. It would be a compelling addition if you could record it (phone is fine) and send it to me. I will of course credit you in the film if you are willing.

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Gajanan Mishra 28 May 2014

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, feel here how wonderful and peaceful the life is! Maha mantra

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Bijay Kant Dubey

Bijay Kant Dubey

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Bijay Kant Dubey
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