Key To My Heart, The Poem by Javier Falcon

Javier Falcon

Javier Falcon

Miami, Florida
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Javier Falcon
Miami, Florida
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Key To My Heart, The

I call this radio station for responses,
a psychologist answers my call,
stating that everything has an solution,
so I tell him that she has the key.

He asks me what key it might be,
so I have no other answer, but to say,
its the key to my heart,
as she enters to all my emotions.

I don't know what to do,
I ask the doctor for a solution,
to this problem ever so great,
I want the key for myself, to control.

He tries to propose answers,
if I have tried to make a trade,
give her something in exchange,
to make both of us happy.

I have offered her to dance on one leg,
fly for the moon's earrings and bring them back,
learned to play the tune to her soul,
and even offered her an eternity of companionship.

Yet I tell her that I am in love,
that I would do everything for her,
all I am asking for is control of my heart,
as you are making me insane, for you.

No more than I already was before,
when I had the key for myself,
controlling my emotions all the time,
and still loving you.


I agree with May...beautiful! and the expression' key to my heart' is a very strong phrase for falling in love..or in love.. beautiful!

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May Namoc 19 July 2008

ahahaha, beautiful! ilove your story. its like that doctor doctor! thing. lol. its wonderful javier. truly wonderful. <333333333

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Javier Falcon

Javier Falcon

Miami, Florida
follow poet
Javier Falcon
Miami, Florida
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