Eager and like hunter
Kept silent and observed.
"Kandahar, " was the cause:
"…is Brit's, not Afghans'! "
Knowing well, is Afghan's
Felt a shock and fell jaws.
I know her history
Long before Ahmad Shah.
Have been there with friends,
Ate, drank, had some rest.
Shamelessly some have dared
To claim: "Is not theirs! "
Took photos, videos
Further dug for props.
"It never was Afghans', "
Wikipedia has announced.
Kandahar is hamlet
In Natives' Saskatchewan
Of what is "Canada."
Remembered Lazuli,
From the Badakhshan
Used in the French art
In the heart of Russia
(In Peter's Cathedral.)
Shed blood from eyes
Thanks to the Kandahar.
"Unaware are we and…"
Came to lips from mind
And many words in mouth:
"Criminals and their lies…"
They distort history
By writing everything
That lowers the others:
"Treat them as slaves."
Canada's Kandahar
Is the work of fraud.
The devil with power
Hides the light, sells darkness.
In dreams of my mind
I had seen an Afghan
Escaping, running out
For a sake and a cause.
Was looking for why, how…
"Kandahar district
Belongs to Icelandic."
Immigrants of Iceland?
Who are they?
Lined question!
British, Norwegians!
And did they celebrate?
And did they dance over
Slaughter and murder
Of Natives, First nations?
Then I felt being in
But away…
Visited the Cut-knife,
Stood there, pictured war
Of Natives with Red-Jackets
Exactly same as those
That butchered Kandahar.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem