Justin Trudeau - The Toast Of Canada Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Gayathri Seetharam

Gayathri Seetharam

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Gayathri Seetharam
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Justin Trudeau - The Toast Of Canada

Justin Trudeau - the toast of Canada
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
Justin Trudeau is of a cheerful disposition, it can be said
The Globe and Mail says he gushes too much
But I think he is brimming with optimism
For above all, he is an advocate of peace and happiness;

CBC's The National says he is a self-proclaimed feminist
But he is drawing attention to this fact about himself
For it may have escaped the attention of the Canadian people
That he has a cabinet ministry of gender parity;

He is liberal minded and accepting of all "people"kind
Which, once again, offends the sensibilities of CBC's The National which I suspect,
Is ever so faintly right wing
And it thinks that this is self-proclaimed
As is the liberal party's claim to a hitherto successful performance;

If it is the way of the optimistic to be sunny natured
For "your best is good enough"
It is the way of the critical minded to point out even a semblance of a fault
For it makes you a better person and a stronger leader, Mr. Prime Minister.

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1)Radiohead, the rock music group

Monday, September 3, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: canada
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Gayathri Seetharam

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Gayathri Seetharam
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