Julius Caesar Poem by Balambal Suryanarayanan

Balambal Suryanarayanan

Balambal Suryanarayanan

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Balambal Suryanarayanan
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Julius Caesar

Rating: 5.0

When you start reading
You show your feeling
But not in Julius Caesar
Whose chapters dip you in eager
Onto the streets of Rome
Lay a royal home
Caesar's it was
Who was the boss
He was the king
Bright as a diamond ring
He loved all his mates
who finally decided his fates
Mark Antony, his noblest and loyal friend
Did not leave him till the end
The story started fine
But no answers why it turned as a sorrowful line
On the night,
Which was not bright
Filled with thunder and lightning
Caesar came shouting
Calpurnia, his lovely wife
Feared his life
She dreamt of bad omens
That spoiled her faith in her husband's Romans
Caesar neglected
That her dream as amiss interpreted
He was a lion
Who punished evil in a line
His famous quote
'Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once'
Lies in all our minds
At last he gave up going to the senate house
But the evil Brutus spoiled his thought like a mouse
He took away Caesar to the senators
By telling false rumours
In the senate house, they killed Caesar
His voice grew hoarser
He believed Brutus and shouted ET TU BRUTE [ you too Brutus ]
But Brutus was happy with his killing lute [killing of Caesar ]
Caesar died,
The heavens cried
The happiness of senators did not last long
As they became small before Antony's anger bong
Antony waited for revenge and took Caesar's funeral as a starting point
Brutus, unaware of his mind, gave the joint
His tears flamed up as fire
And also lit Caesar's funeral pyre
Antony takes oath to finish off the unfaithful dogs
And lit the fire of revenge with his speech logs
Antony's speech became world famous
For its opening line
He succeeded in winning the people's heart
And people came in to help him for a start
Antony also took the help of Octavius Caesar,
Caesar's nephew for a war with their anger
Against Brutus and his mates
At last Brutus and Cassius decided their own fates
They were defeated against Octavius and Antony
And finally, they commit SUICIDE........

Roop Rekha Bhaskar 29 June 2015

the entire Julius Caesar - total of 5 acts and around 18 scenes? it is not easy to put it in poem form. Nice.

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Balambal Suryanarayanan

Balambal Suryanarayanan

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Balambal Suryanarayanan
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