Alessandra Liverani

Alessandra Liverani

Wollongong, Australia
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Alessandra Liverani
Wollongong, Australia
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Friday, October 23, 2009

- Item Six, A Bag Of Nothing: : Humour Comments

Rating: 2.7

Next is item six, a bag of nothing, who'll give me an opening price
A bag of nothing sitting on your shelf would look rather nice
Come on give me a bid, oh is that five dollars I hear
But surely I can get more for this perfectly formed sphere
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Alessandra Liverani
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Leria Hawkins 23 October 2009

Great! ! Gave a chuckle....much enjoyed! Regards, Leria

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Alessandra Liverani

Alessandra Liverani

Wollongong, Australia
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Alessandra Liverani
Wollongong, Australia
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