'It Is Still A Beautiful World' Poem by sumaira ...

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sumaira ...
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'It Is Still A Beautiful World'

Rating: 4.4

Go calmly between the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others.
You are a child of the the Adam, no less than the angles and the stars; you have a right to be here.
Therefore be at peace with Allah, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

Hazem Al Jaber 18 January 2009

yes it still.. yes that beauty feelings also still inside us.. so we should enjoy it as a humans we are.. so beautiful stunning piece.. thank you for sharing., . yours.. hazem al..

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Jose Murguia 18 January 2009

really good quality poem i give u a 10!

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Jihad T 20 January 2009

it's nice i'll give it 8

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Yasser Koor 20 January 2009

oh really what a wonderful world, , just we have to think that there are alot of beautiful things..and we have to thanx allah as u said...cuz everything beautiful thing made by allah..... nioce poem really touched heart , , , ,

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<font color=black>Nagourta 21 January 2009

'There is peace and beauty in everything for those who know how to look...' -Nagourta

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Saadat Tahir 01 July 2009

it is indeed beautiful...! BUT in the interest of honesty and fairplay.....! we should not forget that it was originally written by one Max Ehrman and he titleled it 'disederata' it has appeared in a huge no of communications world wide and even sold it some book store as a poster... i personally had it printed on a large poster and presented to a very famous govt hospital...where i had the honour to work as a consulatnt for many yrs... it most lifely still hangs in the off of the deputy administrator there some parts i have qouted in few posts but always with a qualifier and credit where it is due... i humbly submit that either it be taken down...or a proper qualifier placed where it belongs peace...mean no harm or alarm...just the truth cheers

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so i see you cleatrly now. this reads fantastically, great write!

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Catrina Heart 11 February 2009

A beautiful prose here my friend...Thanks for sharing this...10+++

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Srujini M 11 February 2009

yes the world is always beautiful, there is so much of beauty in nature, god is the great creator.

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Ben Gieske 06 February 2009

If only all the people could read your poem and see all the beautiful things.

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