For global warming in the World it is not poor people's shame
The greedy wealthy for this are those for to blame
Oil wells and coal mines have created many a billionaire
These are so damaging to the natural environment as all would be aware
Of more aspirational billionaires the Human World is not in need
Most environmental damage is because of human greed
Many species of flora and fauna to global warming losing out
That some wealthy people are environmental criminals there can be little doubt
The wealthy take so much from our Earth Mother and in return to her little give
Yet she is the one we all depend on to live
But for our sins against Mother Earth the price will be huge for us to pay
For what goes around comes around as the wise one does say
Global warming is not caused by those living in poverty
Of any guilt or shame of this they are free.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem