Is It Love? Poem by Jamal Brown

Jamal Brown

Jamal Brown

Lexigton, S.C.
follow poet
Jamal Brown
Lexigton, S.C.
follow poet

Is It Love?

Rating: 5.0

Their hearts pound at first sight.

Is it love?

Their eyes shout out to each other, 'Kiss! Kiss! '

For a lifetime(Or a night) of love and endless bliss.

Is it love, or is it lust?

It was a love triangle all along.

All three of them knew what was going on.

The other girl was mad as hell!

I don't see how she did it

but they all stay friends.

Is it love, or is it fogivness?

Me I would have said to our friendship farewell.

She's a strong, beautiful young woman with a lot of heart.

I had a crush on her at one time.Interesting, But I'm

still trying to decide if that was smart.(L.O.L) .

Is it love, or is it Happiness?

I just want her to be happy.

Inspired by a true story.

Alex Lewis 09 July 2009

I like how you ask questions without answering. Also, in your last line you ask if it is happiness or love. To me, they are the same thing. You are asking between choice A and choice A. This is a great idea to ponder upon-I loved it.

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A Lifetime Of Fame 23 July 2009

is it love is so nice great job keep riting just thier so understandble nice! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! keep in touch Whittney Trott

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Alex Rios 20 July 2009

That was beautiful! Precious in many ways! And it was awesome! -Alex

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this is awesome......

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Tyease Collins 19 July 2009

This poem is so cute and romantic wrapped into one. This girl is sooo lucky to have someone like you.... -Tyease

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wow your a very good wrighter i love this poem grea job 110% No Reason To Care

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Jamal Brown

Jamal Brown

Lexigton, S.C.
follow poet
Jamal Brown
Lexigton, S.C.
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