Inspired By The Lord.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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Sylvia Frances Chan
Jakarta, Indonesia
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Inspired By The Lord....

Rating: 4.7

Inspired by The Lord
(Psalm 133: 3)

How pleasant to live in harmony

It feels like the soft breeze upon your brittle cheeks
and the ointment on the head,
caressing down upon the gown,
as the Lord hath shown
over the part of her slender arms
as love just blowing discerning in
and she takes that lovingly
as her blessings fill each looming day

and the gaiety in the hay
oh, cometh what may, cometh what may
each divine day

It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the mountains of Zion
God bestowed upon us ever on and on

Oh, there is love any minute of the day
Cometh what may, cometh what may,

for there the Lord hath shown
the blessing of life forevermore....

© Sylvia Frances Chan
AD. Thursday the 23rd of Aug 2018 -
@14.41 hrs. PM- West-Eur.Time

ADDITION: This Poem is chosen as Member Poem Of The Day on
Wednesday the 29th of August 2018. Immense thanks to PoemHunter and Team, really the greatest occurrence for my person, thank you, Sirs,
sincerest Sylvia Frances Chan, Dutch Poetess.

Inspired By The Lord....
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: faith,god,theology
Oh, there is love any minute of the day
Cometh what may, cometh what may,

for there the Lord hath shown
the blessing of life forevermore....

© Sylvia Frances Chan
Dutch Poetess
World Traveler

AD.Thursday the 23rd of Aug 2018 -
@ 14.41 hrs. PM- West-Eur.Time
ADDITION: This Poem is chosen as Member Poem Of The Day on Wednesday the 29th of August 2018. My immense thanks to Poem Hunter and Team,
gratefully yours, really the greatest occurrence for my person, thank you, Sirs, sincerest Sylvia Frances Chan, Dutch Poetess.
Susan Williams 12 February 2023

oh, this poem sings my dear, it sings like angels bending near the earth to give us children of God comfort and joy and strength--faving this beautiful write and of course giving it highest marks

2 0 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 13 February 2023

Thank you, thank YOU, dear Susan, you are a keen reader, indeed this poem sings and you are the singer, how most beautifully said: This Poem Sings, thank you once more from my heart. In gratitude for the highest marks.

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Rob Lamberton 09 January 2023

I like th thought that there is love every minute of the day! 5*****

4 0 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 29 January 2023

So I am, dear Rob, I am so happy to realize that you have the same answer as in this poem. Thank YOU!

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Reynaldo Casison 29 August 2022

Very blessed poem lovely poetess

8 0 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 29 November 2022

Thank you so much, gentle poet.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 12 December 2021

A sublime piece of poetry! I sincerely appreciate the philosophical depth of this great poem!

8 0 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 29 November 2022

Thank you so much for your enthusiastic response, dear @Poet,

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Dr Dillip K Swain 09 December 2021

Oh, there is love any minute of the day Cometh what may, cometh what may...I sincerely admire the humble expression of the poetess...Great!

8 0 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 29 November 2022

Thank you so much for your great support, in gratitude

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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Sylvia Frances Chan
Jakarta, Indonesia
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