Vanessa Hughes

Vanessa Hughes

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Vanessa Hughes
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Inner Peace! Comments

Rating: 4.9

Well below your ego
There's a place that doesn't care
What people say or think or do
It's very peaceful there
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Vanessa Hughes
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Ruth Walters 14 January 2013

My inner peace came and went years ago but I loved this poem of yours

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Valsa George 17 October 2012

This is such a lovely poem, apparently simple, but deep in its contents! Enjoyed reading! !

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Maria C. Pires Costa 16 September 2012

Lovely encouraging poem conveying noble thoughts. Fortunately, these are distant from the circle of undesirable, greedy life contexts of these days... May inner peace be with you everyday!

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Romeo Della Valle 22 April 2012

Impressive but not surprising! This well crafted write delivers a powerful message to the delight of all who can read it! Peace of Mind only obtained first by your inner-self like you well stated it! It is not easy but it can be done by making a great effort and with strong determination, as long as you at life through a telescope and not a microscope! 10+++ Thank you for sharing and keep it up! God Bless You! Love and Peace for always! Romeo from New York City!

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Valerie Dohren 29 March 2012

I really like this poem, it is so true, and something we all need to do. Flows and rhymes beautifully.

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Allemagne Roßmann 26 August 2011

Inner peace is effacinf oneself and beauty of heart.Well written.

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Adi Cox 21 July 2011

I like the idea that inner peace is a place without boxes and labels. This poem is quite liberating.

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Ashwin Alex 29 June 2011

Awesome work, this was something that people go in search spending time and money. Only if they could read what is written simply! .. world would be a better place for sure! ...

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Benjamin Dotse 26 June 2011

i really love this poem, its really true that inner peace is within us and if we all can find that place its gonna be a peaceful life without any is beautiful what do you think.thumbs up this is a great poem its reality.

1 1 Reply

that's all people need. tadeu filippini

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Hans Vr 17 April 2011

You wrote a fantastic poem on a topic very close to my heart. I really beleive if we can find that place, If we can find our soul, and live a soul life, we will have peace of mind forever.

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Sue Cook 17 April 2011

i love this poem - it is peaceful and so true

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Sue Cook 12 April 2011

this is lovely and so true

1 0 Reply
Lamont Palmer 12 April 2011

An extremely simple poem, but a nice one. -LP

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Vanessa Hughes

Vanessa Hughes

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Vanessa Hughes
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