Ink Of Compassion Poem by Bright Heavens

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Bright Heavens

Bright Heavens

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Bright Heavens
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Ink Of Compassion

Deep within my restless heart
Lay a pregnant commotion of fervour
A thirsting for a delivery
of the fragrances of compassion.

From the bed of apathy I rise
Aloft this monument stand I
Hear all! The fight of my life this is:
That my ink bleeds only love-
and benevolence.

A warrior I am
Locked within my magazine
are delightful ammo:
Missiles of kindness
Firearms of charity
Love is my explosive
Compassion-my grenade.

I write
For scores of hungry children across
the globe
Very smarting's the sight of their
shrivelled stomachs-as they scour the dump
for edibles
My ink flows un-end for the victims of
injustice and human rights infringement
Bleeds compassion- for millions of littered
refugees all across nations
Heartbroken am I for a legion whose visage's been
dimmed by sickness
Diminished! Tears, streams down my eyes for a slaughtered many
downed under the garb of religion.
My heart groans unabated for Covid_19 victims

Giv'n to me is the ink of the learned
That I should grasp how to scribe relief
to the down and weary
My ink screams succour for a sundry
ravaged by‘small c'
I inscribe support for the lonely and the homeless.

I am the voice of mental health sufferers
From Schizophrenia to depression- BPD
to PTSD…
Their hearts cry: "Help us"!

Engulfed in sadness and guilt,
I inscribe empathy for nature
She's been very hurt by us
I am pained for the ecosystem
And for our earth's survival
Troubled am I, for climate change
And even more for our oceans
Radioactive waste, plastic pollution,
Hmm! Saddening
Amazon rainforest -an eyesore
Deforestation-a worrisome act.

Hear all! Ladies and gentlemen
On this, am I content to lose my breath
Till a generation rise, all for the acts of
unfeigned compassion.

Ink Of Compassion
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Bright Heavens

Bright Heavens

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Bright Heavens
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