*In Your Heart*
Hold me close in you heart
If time takes me out of your sight,
Whisper my name in silent hour
If I am not in your side,
I will be in touch of you
Like a thin breeze,
Touch you on your soft eye lid,
or waft your stray hair in careful caress,
Being an autumnal dream,
I will meet you like a soft fall of
fallen petal on wavy grass,
and love you like the April shower.
If new love winks in your bosom,
forget me not,
I will be in your side as
morning rays to wake you up,
In the humming of bees I will visit you
and with love teemed with joy and
let you sleep on my lap,
You will feel the warmth of life,
Amid the pangs of life my vibrant heart
which is full of love will be your domicile.
@prabir Gayen -04/04/20/4: 11PM.
Hold me close in you heart If time takes me out of your sight, Whisper my name in silent hour If I am not in your side,
Amid the pangs of life my vibrant heart which is full of love will be your domicile.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Like a thin breeze........magnificent write....dear friend. anjandev roy.