One fine autumnal afternoon, I set out sauntering
Along country paths that lay rugged and meandering
To see Nature, not in her cultivated ostentatiousness
But in her stark nakedness and innate loveliness
Passing fields of corn with golden ears
Peeping out from their leafy covers,
I entered the woods with trees of sober yellow and green
That with a medley of life presented a lovely scene
Here Nature wore a rich golden livery
And the sky above was seen decked in clouds silvery
I could still hear the bark of squirrels from behind the maize
Busy gathering corn and nuts for the lousy winter days
Files of pigeons flew higher into the air
And twittering black birds created such fanfare
Robins fluttered chirping from bush to bush
Wild herons took off on their wings with a swish
From tree tops, songsters were singing merry notes
In the glades was grazing a flock of deer with white dots
Some trees had fruits hanging in oppressive opulence
While some were clad in leaves of orange, purple and ochre
In the vast bosom of the woods was a sequestered pool
Motionless and glassy it lay with clear waters cool
Now and then with small undulations and circular patterns
Reflecting the shadow of trees and etching queer tattoos
Lost in that secluded quiet, I stood for long
Losing count of time with lovely scenes clustering in throng
Each time when those sights came before my eyes in queue
In me a hundred blossoms unfolded in their crimson hue
A rich kaleidoscope of nature you have presented that would tempt anyone to cultivate close intimacy with nature.
A feast of nature so beautifully crafted from your very creative mind! Superb write!
love in lines Passing fields of corn with golden ears Peeping out from their leafy covers,
Nature is the common themes adopted by world renowned poets ever lived and still the present day poets are also creating wonders from the nice water falls, rivers, valleys, mountains, and such beautiful things the gifts of nature that we enjoy in its beauty and fragrance, and also variety of bushes, trees, like things. I remember the collected works of william wordsworth whose contribution of nature poem is so great. In my native language the great poets have created wonders in nature poems which are marvels of poetry. Here the poet has created a very nice poem of nature where the language and creativity is so beautiful and I see it a good work on nature the theme adopted which is readable to the poem lovers in such happiness and meditative mood.
WOW! What a great autumn poem composed at the very height of Summer! I love Autumn and Autumn poems. I especially associate Autumn with long walks, journeys really, with the harvest fullness of the season everywhere evident. Your poem is a BRILLIANT example of this I'm keeping it. What I love about this Autumn poem is that poet and season are in perfect sync. In his Autumn poem CORONA Paul Celan wrote AUTUMN EATS ITS LEAF OUT OF MY HAND - WE ARE FRIENDS. That's the glory of it.
And twittering black birds created such fanfare ........i'm SURE the fanfare was for our dear poet. :) i just noticed there are 15 comments already. maybe i shouldn't bother finishing the poem? nah! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - - - - - - - - i 'love' In the glades was grazing AND oppressive opulence i especially enjoyed the 'sequestered pool' stanza. a lovely walk. thanks for inviting us along with you. bri :)
IN ME A HUNDRED BLOSSOMS UNFOLDED IN THEIR CRIMSON HUE - What a stunning image with which to end an autumn poem. You bring the season inside of you and its magical transformations take place in this interior world of your psyche. In a very real sense that is what poetry accomplishes: the separation of human beings from the natural world is no longer true when you place the season within. Autumn is my favorite season and quite a few of my poems are set in the late summer part of autumn. I'm surprised that despite the thousands of miles that separate us I recognized every detail of your Indian landscape as if it were my Minnesota landscape. It's amazing.
Nature's Serenity presented at its best With secluded colours Where pigeons, squirrels, robins are the regular visitors, Taking a dip in sequestered pool Reflecting the beautiful mirror of natures tranquility! Beautiful poem Valsa. Loved reading each lines. Serene and pleasant to read.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Another Daine Hine in waiting in addition to being what you are already! When she searches for things odd but inquisitive, you are here to tell the intimate things about nature in all its bounty. An excellent read it was and I can give a 10 for this write for now I won`t conclude that nature is dying fast.