If only you could see past what I say,
Look straight into my hazel eyes,
And see how I really feel,
Behind the fake smile,
Is tears and fear,
Behind my hazel eyes is a load of problems no one can solve,
If I say yeah im ok,
Do you believe me? ,
Or see deep into my hazel eyes,
And see my pain, fear and tears,
If only you could see the real me,
under this fake person,
If only you understood me,
I would love to tell someone who would,
Listen but i cant,
I dont know how,
Im not used to having people their to listen to me,
If only you understood why I cant tell you,
If only you could see past what I say,
look straight into my hazel eyes,
And see how I really feel.
Dont be mad at me for not telling you.
I wrote this poem while i was down, this is also the poem that had won a competition :)
OMG its fantastic I feel like this all the time but could never write it down and you got it perfect i love it. Deserves a 10
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
This is a excellent write which allows the read to see your true feelings. Thank you for sharing this with us. May your heart once again feel the peace and joy that you deserve. Scott