Friday, May 18, 2018

If All Men Were Black Comments

Rating: 4.3

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Lungelo S. Mbuyazi
Nkululeko Mdudu 25 February 2019

makes one think, thanks for this

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 25 February 2019

Kunjalo Freedom, Kunjalo nje....Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this write.

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Akhtar Jawad 09 November 2018

Nelson Mandela was a great leader, a meaningful poem

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 25 February 2019

True he was, ...Thanks Akhtar with your effort reading my work....much appreciated. I'm truly sorry for the late reply....I didn't see your comments until today.

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Brian 01 July 2018

A really thought provoking message... I like it

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 01 July 2018

Thanks Brian for being a reader of my poetry. I really appreciate every bit of your nice comments.

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Lincoln 25 June 2018

What a wordy statement! 10+++

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 26 June 2018

Thanks Lincoln for your approval of this message.

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Ink of Sin 24 June 2018

Dear Poet you know better yet- (just for me) Haiku contains syllable gradually = 5 + 7 + 5 but your Haiku has composed= 6 + 9 + 9

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 24 June 2018

I appreciate your feedback on this poem...stay blessed

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Mahtab Bangalee 24 June 2018

veins are wandering in wonder pitch through a thin abode through a life- yet my sight imprisons the flesh and skin.... vain activities of veins in this earth! great

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 24 June 2018

Thanks for such wonderful additional thoughts on this poem... your comments is highly appreciated...

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 23 June 2018

black and white are only pigments of skin and season and environment its the heart which for all is red open anyone's heart and see before one is dead love must measure up to the colour of red before guys are dead

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 24 June 2018

Thanks dear poet force adding some spice to this poem... I appreciate your feedback

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Sandra Feldman 16 June 2018

I understand your feelings. But there is no need to be white for those that are of pure heart, which has no color.

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 16 June 2018

Your comments are highly appreciated... I like your insight, when said that, for those that are of pure heart

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Kumarmani Mahakul 15 June 2018

This haiku has vast meaning though it is concise. Here there is question in colour like black but often we find kind heart in a black body. Nice philosophical poem.10

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 15 June 2018

Thanks my friend for noticing something good about this poem....your comments are highly appreciated, thanks

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Dr Dillip K Swain 11 June 2018

Absolutely brilliant! Brief and powerful expression! Appreciated...10

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 12 June 2018

Many thanks for your great response to these thoughts.

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Akhtar Jawad 30 May 2018

A beautiful heart hidden in any skin, may be black, yellow, brown or white, is the container of the true beauty. A great message in a great poem.

3 0 Reply

How I admire your positive contribution and insight to this message! Thanks again

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Brian Markey 18 May 2018

If it wasn't colour we revel in fighting over we'd find another excuse, we seek problems where there are none and go on to create them.That is the Human in action.

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True that..... maybe, we would be looking at who is more lighter than the other.. Thanks for your feedback....

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Thanks Brian for your insight on this poem...and thanks for reading my work..

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True that,'s the mind set Thanks for reading my work.

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Robert Murray Smith 18 May 2018

Mandela was a political prisoner based on an ignorant policy. Racism is ignorant for we are all related from the first humans. Skin colour was caused by climate changing skin pigmentation.

3 0 Reply

Thanks for those insight....Skin colour was caused by climate which resulted in skin pigmentation.. Stay blessed

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Lungelo S. Mbuyazi

Lungelo S. Mbuyazi

Inanda Newtown A
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